Sunday, June 9, 2013

Rahu in 7th House and its effect on marital status

Various classic books of astrology have mentioned different results of Rahu’s placement in the 7th house of a birth chart. All these are in fact general significations about the placement of Rahu in the 7th house as per the classics books of astrology.These significations can not be taken as the final results as ‘eyes shut postulates’,as per their face value,as Rahu and Ketu are shadowy planets and do not have orbits.
They are simply the intersection points of the path of Earth and The moon .Thus they are magnetic points, always sticking to the qualities of the houses and the planets they are conjugate with or the planets related to them.

The significations mentioned in the classics are to be taken liberally and not literally.The hoax and phobia created by the quacks in the field of astrology that with the placement of Rahu in the 7th house the marital or the marriage itself gets reduced to a disaster is all false and wrong . These are myths and mysteries created by these quacks for earning money while suggesting  illusory and baseless remedial measures to various people who fall in their trap in the behalf. It is verified fact established through various researches conducted in the behalf that Rahu in the 7th house of a birth chart is at all not disastrous and should not be taken very seriously . However it is observed ,perceived and visualized after study of various birth charts where Rahu is placed in 7th house,that such a Rahu will behave astrologically as per the conditions of its dispositor which eventfully will be the 7th lord also and that will be the deciding factors in this behalf.
It may give in some cases un-orthodox marriages,yet ,it further dependents upon other planetry combinations and conditions of horoscope as a whole. The age gap between the two marrying partners may be at times be much more than normal age gap.
The conditions are :-
2.       The nature of lord of the that 7th house.
3.       The relationship of the dispositor of Rahu with the other planets in a birth chart.
4.       The benefic and malefic influences upon Rahu placed in the 7th house.
5.       The Nakshatra in which Rahu is placed in the Birth chart.
6.       The  Navamsha in which Rahu is placed.

7.       The mutual relationship between Rahu and other planets in a horoscope.